Free computer generated music! The Fake Music Generator provides free computer generated albums that you can use in any way you want. We give you an entire album: cover art, artist, album title, track titles, and even computer generated music.
Trk | Song | Time | Download |
1 | 100mph Showcase | 2:26 | MP3 MIDI |
2 | Pulling The Plug On Kindness | 3:26 | MP3 MIDI |
3 | 2D Passion | 5:27 | MP3 MIDI |
4 | Lives That Are Worth Saving | 1:58 | MP3 MIDI |
5 | Where the Fruit Is | 3:36 | MP3 MIDI |
6 | Missiles Of Mercy | 1:18 | MP3 MIDI |
7 | Allergic To Demons | 2:11 | MP3 MIDI |
8 | And Love More Deeply | 2:02 | MP3 MIDI |
9 | Silent Fight | 2:47 | MP3 MIDI |
10 | Regrets On The Backseat | 2:06 | MP3 MIDI |
11 | Searching For Your Loneliness | 2:37 | MP3 MIDI |
12 | To Forgive | 1:30 | MP3 MIDI |
13 | 101 Reasons For Visions | 2:57 | MP3 MIDI |