Free computer generated music! The Fake Music Generator provides free computer generated albums that you can use in any way you want. We give you an entire album: cover art, artist, album title, track titles, and even computer generated music.
Trk | Song | Time | Download |
1 | Selling My Ocean | 1:22 | MP3 MIDI |
2 | Know Something | 2:45 | MP3 MIDI |
3 | Feelings On Fire | 2:39 | MP3 MIDI |
4 | Sick Joy | 4:15 | MP3 MIDI |
5 | Fist Full Of Mysteries | 3:01 | MP3 MIDI |
6 | Satanic Envy | 2:14 | MP3 MIDI |
7 | Plenty Of Musings | 1:05 | MP3 MIDI |
8 | Disco Riot | 2:52 | MP3 MIDI |
9 | Pacific Hand Grenade | 2:40 | MP3 MIDI |